Please contact us to reschedule your appointment if you are experiencing: fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, headache, fatigue, body and muscle aches, nausea, vomiting and loss of smell or taste. We ask you to reschedule your appointment if you have been in contact with an individual who presents the symptoms mentioned above.
Please contact us to reschedule your appointment if diagnosed positive to covid-19 or if you have been in contact with an individual diagnosed positive to covid-19. Please know that Healing House Acupuncture & Wellness is available for virtual consultation, comfort, assistance and support in these unprecedented times.
As a way to maintain our space clean and to promote safety and prevention we ask you to please bring your mask to your session with us. We want to keep you and all of our patients healthy and the best way to accomplish that is by practicing prevention. Thank you for your understanding. See you soon!